Thursday 6 December 2007

Book Light

Most of us who enjoy reading, and perhaps some who don't, will, at some time in their lives, have tried reading under the bedclothes, with a torch. Not easy, but most of us did that as a kid.

And what about trying to read a book in bed when your partner is trying to sleep? You don't want to put on the light and wake them up. This is where a book light comes in handy. There are many types but perhaps the most useful book light is one that clips to the book and moves around with you. I've found a book light to be the ideal solution to the problem of reading in the dark.

Another use of a book light is when you're trying to read as a passenger in a car, or even on an overnight coach or plane journey. I find my book light essential and now take it everywhere.

Get a book light today!

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