Tuesday 4 December 2007

Baby's Sex Chosen On a See-saw

There are many myths surrounding choosing a baby's sex and how you can influence it but none more strange than a method claimed to work by Jane and Tom Westbrook from Hull.

Jane said, "We wanted to choose the sex of our baby because we wanted a girl, so we did some research. Once you've conceived, the embryo is more likely to develope into a girl if it experiences frequent, gentle changes in gravity. This can be achieved by using a see-saw everyday. My partner and I have a see-saw in our bedroom and we always have a quick session before going to bed. We always make love afterwards and we've found that a naked see-saw session really turns us on"

She went on to say, "The most important thing to do if you're trying to choose your baby's gender is to make sure that conception takes place on a see-saw. It only needs to be moving slightly but it makes all the difference. We got our neighbours to help with this. The held it steady while Tom and I performed see-saw sex."

"Just make sure that you cover the see-saw in carpet if it's made of wood" she finished.

Jane's baby has not been born yet and its sex is as yet unknown.

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