Wednesday 26 December 2007

Move On After a Breakup

After a breakup it will often feel that we will never find happiness again. It's all over. There will never be anyone else. Deep down we probably realise that this isn't true but at the time it still feels like it and we don't know how to begin moving on. There's a really useful ebook which can help you find the power within yourself to begin the process and find true, lasting happiness. You can get it here: Move On After a Breakup.

How To Get Your Boyfriend Back

Although not guaranteed, it is very definitely possible to get your boyfriend back. The most important thing is not to blow your chances by doing the wrong things. There is a lot of misinformation out there and it is really important to know what works and what does not work.
The best book I have see is available for immediate download here: Get Your Boyfriend Back.

Sunday 23 December 2007

Home Solar Power

How much do you know about solar power?

Do you know the difference between photovoltaic solar power and solar heating? Find out at Home Solar Powered. It's hot, but not in a global warming sort of way.

Friday 21 December 2007

Baby Prams

Buying a baby pram is frought with difficulty. You really have to work out in advance exactly what you need. Some pushchairs are just that but others can convert into prams with the aid of a carrycot, supplied or extra. Some prams are designed to go off road and have big, all-terrain wheels. But an off road pram will not be so easy to fold and take on and off buses. Baby prams aims to help navigate through the baby pram maze.

There are many makes of baby pram but one which is known for its distinctive, eye-catching prams is Quinny.

Saturday 8 December 2007

How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

If you've just split up with your girlfriend it won't be surprising to find that you're wanting her back. You might be panicing, wondering what to do. Believe it or not, the best thing do right now is nothing. That's right, nothing.

Phoning your ex up, calling round, writing... all these things show her that she holds the cards. She can take her time; she knows that you are desparate and are not going anywhere.

Keep away for now while you develope a strategy. If you want to find out about strategies to win back your ex then have a look at how to get your ex girlfriend back. There's a lot of useful advice and ebooks which you can download now.

Thursday 6 December 2007

Book Light

Most of us who enjoy reading, and perhaps some who don't, will, at some time in their lives, have tried reading under the bedclothes, with a torch. Not easy, but most of us did that as a kid.

And what about trying to read a book in bed when your partner is trying to sleep? You don't want to put on the light and wake them up. This is where a book light comes in handy. There are many types but perhaps the most useful book light is one that clips to the book and moves around with you. I've found a book light to be the ideal solution to the problem of reading in the dark.

Another use of a book light is when you're trying to read as a passenger in a car, or even on an overnight coach or plane journey. I find my book light essential and now take it everywhere.

Get a book light today!

Wednesday 5 December 2007

GE Recalls Microwave Ovens In Safety Fear

General Electric is recalling about 90,000 microwave ovens in fears over fire safety. It is important that anyone with one of these ovens stops using it immediately.

Apparently the door switch in the microwave oven can overheat and ignite plastic components, thus posing a fire hazard to operators. In fact, GE is aware of 35 incidents ofproperty damage. There are no reports of injuries.

The recall includes GE combination microwave and conventional built-in wall ovens sold under the following brand names: GE, GE Profile™ and Kenmore. The ovens were sold in white, black, bisque and stainless steel. The brand name is printed on the lower left corner on the front of the microwave door. The following model and serial numbers can be found inside the microwave oven on the left interior wall.

Recalled Models Serial number begins with: GE / Profile

Recalled Models:


-Serial Number Begins With:


-Kenmore (All model numbers start with 911)

-Recalled Models:

41485991, 41485992, 41485993, 41485994, 41489991, 41489992, 41489993, 41489994, 49485992, 49489992, 47692100, 47699100

47862100, 47869100, 47812200, 47813200, 47814200, 47819200, 47792200, 47793200, 47794200, 47799200

Tuesday 4 December 2007

Flat Panel TV drives guy nuts

This is a hilarious video of a rock dude losing it as he grapples with the difference between LCD tv and Plasma tv:

Pocket Sized Girlfriend

A pocket sized girlfriend! Comes in very handy!

Baby's Sex Chosen On a See-saw

There are many myths surrounding choosing a baby's sex and how you can influence it but none more strange than a method claimed to work by Jane and Tom Westbrook from Hull.

Jane said, "We wanted to choose the sex of our baby because we wanted a girl, so we did some research. Once you've conceived, the embryo is more likely to develope into a girl if it experiences frequent, gentle changes in gravity. This can be achieved by using a see-saw everyday. My partner and I have a see-saw in our bedroom and we always have a quick session before going to bed. We always make love afterwards and we've found that a naked see-saw session really turns us on"

She went on to say, "The most important thing to do if you're trying to choose your baby's gender is to make sure that conception takes place on a see-saw. It only needs to be moving slightly but it makes all the difference. We got our neighbours to help with this. The held it steady while Tom and I performed see-saw sex."

"Just make sure that you cover the see-saw in carpet if it's made of wood" she finished.

Jane's baby has not been born yet and its sex is as yet unknown.

Monday 3 December 2007

Lisfranc Joint

Dwight Freeney, the Indianapolis Colts defensive end, is to have surgery on his left foot which will effectively put an end to his season.

Lisfranc Joint Displacement is characterised by two primary radiographic patterns: transverse and longitudinal. There is no single diagnostic method with which to consistently confirm the diagnosis of an unstable injury but it doesn't look good for Freeney or the Colts.

Weigh Down Workshop

Weigh Down Workshop: This has been around for perhaps 15 years. Ostensibly a weight loss program but some would say it is a cult religion. Unlike most weight loss programs the weight down workshop does not involve restricting food intake, calorie counting or otherwise watching what you eat. It purports to get to the root of the weight problem through spirituality.

Gwen Shamblin's faith-based weight loss program causes many people concern. Apparently two members of the church have been imprisoned for beating a boy to death.

Is it a bona-fide weight loss program or a front for another religious cult. You decide. We certainly don't suggest you join - we provide information only. Beware!

Imus In The Morning

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Radio personality Don Imus returned to the airwaves on Monday, promising to keep his edgy tone but refrain from the kind of racist and sexist comments that got him fired earlier this year.

"We now have the opportunity to have a better program, to obviously diversify the cast... but the program is not going to change," Imus said at the start of his new daily radio show on Citadel Broadcasting Corp's ABC Radio Networks.

The show has added an African-American woman and man to the cast -- comedians Karith Foster and Tony Powell -- along with regular sidekicks Rob Bartlett and Charles McCord.

Imus's return comes nearly eight months after CBS Radio fired him and shut down his "Imus in the Morning" program for referring to the black members of the Rutgers University women's basketball team as "nappy headed hos," a phrase combining an often derogatory term for coarse, curly hair with slang for whore.

"I will never say anything in my lifetime that will make any of these young women regret or feel foolish that they accepted my apology or forgave me," said Imus, who referred to his earlier remarks as "reprehensible."

"Imus in the Morning," previously was produced and broadcast by the CBS-owned WFAN radio station in New York, and was syndicated on some 60 stations and simulcast on MSNBC cable television.

The show mixed often ribald commentary on current events with interviews with high-profile politicians.

Imus preserved that flavor, declaring U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney was "still a war criminal" and New York senator and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was "still Satan," drawing laughter and applause from the audience.

Master Cleanse Diet

TheMaster Cleanse Diet, also known as the Lemonade Diet, was created by Stanley Burroughs in 1941.

The diet emphasies the non-eating of solid foods. Instead you have to drink a bizarre mixture of lemon juice, water maple syrup and cayenne pepper. You can take this mixture hot or cold.

It may seem a strange mixture but the is method in madness. It contains vitamins, minerals and sugars to help prevent the problems that can occur with the Atkins diet or other types of pure water fasting.

And why cayenne pepper? Well, with the absense of solid food, something has to help the body undergo the normal processes of getting rid of waste. You could say that it keeps things moving.

So that's the Master Cleanse Diet. Any takers?

One Laptop Per Child

One Laptop Per Child is the initiative which intents to do just that; give every child a laptop computer. The idea is that when you buy a laptop, part of the cost goes towards buying a laptop for a child.

The initiative is not without problems, however. Whilst some companies are trying to produce the much needed cheap laptops, established computer manufactures are accusing the dogooders of reverse engineering their technology.

But it's not all bad. The OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) Foundation has received another order for 260,000 XO laptops from Peru, which comes on toop of another order for 50,000 laptops from Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim.

Sunday 2 December 2007

Las Vegas Marathon

The prize money on offer in this year's Las Vegas Marathon has jumped by 26% from last year to $164,000, attracting around 15,000 runners.

As usual, the elite runners compete amongst the less serious. Expect to see runners dressed as everything from elephants to Elvis. And, as this is Vegas, there's even a run-through wedding chapel.

It's not all about running either. The entertainment capital of the world can expect to see numbers swell this weekend as an estimated 2.8 extra people will be in the city for each person taking part in the Las Vegas marathon.

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