Friday 30 November 2007

Polaroid DVD Recorder

Great DVD Recorder Deals at Walmart Now!!

Once upon a time the Polaroid Camera was an item of wonder. A camera which developed and printed pictures straight after you had taken a photo. Nowadays we are used to being able to print our pictures straight way as most of us now use digital cameras.

Not to be left behind, Polaroid has done it again, showing that it hasn't been left behind by the digital revolution. ThePolaroid DVD Recorder has 160 GB disk space and can record up to 204 hours of footage depending on the chosen quality. It has simultaneous playback and real-time recording of your DVDs onto the hard disc.

Also included is Polaroid's YesDVD software which helps you create DVDs, enabling indexing, commercial detection, auto chaptering, organization and sharing of multimedia content at the touch of a button.

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